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The beat of the Heart of Wonder

Jan 14, 2022 | by admin

At the heart of Global Village are ordinary humans with extraordinary stories.No matter where we come from, who we are, or where we’re going, these stories bind us all in togetherness.

Meet some of our inspiring team members and journey with them on their daily experiences. After all, they make the magic happen here at Global Village.



Nida Siriban  Japan Pavilion

Selling authentic pieces of Japanese cutlery, Nilda welcomes each customer with a gentle smile and passionately takes them through her unique products. The shop is filled with beautiful one-of-a-kind pieces with unique stories that transport you to different times.

“Meeting so many people from all across the world makes me happy and keeps me going. They don’t always come to buy a piece, sometimes they just stop to say “Hello! and that’s special too. I keep my products as unique as possible to offer people variety and sometimes, exclusive pieces just for them.”.

Head over and experience the warm hospitality of Nilda and other retailers at the Japan pavilion.



Ruene Alcantara  Chinese Pavilion

Nestled in her shop of garments for children and ladies, Ruene makes sure that every customer leaves with a smiling face.

“It is so interesting to communicate with people from across the globe with different and unique senses of style, accents, and gestures. People come to my shop and haggle a lot, it’s sometimes troublesome but it’s fun and lively at the same time,” she jokes.

“With the Chinese New Year approaching on February 1, 2022, we are very excited to welcome more people to get a taste of our culture and traditions.”

Go say hi to Ruene at the China pavilion and vibe with her joyful spirit.


James Carlo  Railway Market

While visiting or crossing the Railway Market, if you spot a bright smiling face welcoming you to try some delicious desserts, there's a high possibility that you’ve crossed ways with James.

“It gives me immense joy to see faces lit up with bright smiles. I usually get to see that a lot here as people are very joyfully indulging in delicious desserts. Sugar makes people happy, and I enjoy that,” he laughs.

Like jelly in a donut, warmth and hospitality are injected right into the heart of James at the Railway Market. Share bright smiles with him while at Global Village.



Ahmed Ahmed  African Pavilion

Dressed in colourful tribal costumes and themed face painting, Ahmed is ever ready to groove to a pumping and colourful performance of powerful indigenous rhythms, songs, and dance.

“We as a group perform for the people. We love to watch people enjoy our performance and vibe with us on such a great level. African culture is one that many people have not explored, and it is a pleasure to have Global Village as a platform to introduce people to our culture and our heritage, which is as colourful as the people here.”

Stop by the Africa Pavilion to watch Ahmed and his mates set the stage on fire.



Ena  Koliba Bosnian Restaurant

Serving guests delicious Bosnian food and keeping them engaged through glorious tunes of the violin, Ena finds great joy in hosting and entertaining people every day.

“I’ve made a lot of new friends here at Global Village, for which I’m very grateful. It’s a nice feeling to help others and share a part of my culture through our authentic Bosnian food and experience. I like playing the violin here, as many people stop by to enjoy and record the experience. It is a good feeling.”

Meet and greet Ena at Koliba Bosnian Restaurants while you enjoy great food and music.



Aroda Rubber Duck Regatta

A part of all games and fun,Aroda thoroughly enjoys her job and looks forward to welcoming people to the games every day.

“I enjoy watching kids and adults in full excitement and be their playful selves here at the Carnaval. It keeps me young to just play with the kids. Having a relationship with people and making that connection is so important to me. Sharing laughter and fun moments with them is a special part of my job here at Global Village.”

Catch up on a fun game at the Rubber Duck Regatta with Aroda.



Sajid – Chai Vendor

Whatever the mood or weather, Sajid is here to keep your energy elevated with a cup of tea - the South Asian way!.

“So many people of different nationalities come for a cup of tea throughout the day. It is fun to catch up on a quick chat while I serve them a hot cup of tea. It’s always nice to see their reaction when they take the first sip and enjoy it, all refreshed.”

Brighten up your day at Global Village with a piping hot cup of masala chai and Sajid’s warm hospitality.



Anpush  Skill Games Host

Gear up for endless fun while you play from a selection of Skill Games with Anpush cheering you on to get your spirits high.

“This is my first time working here at Global Village, and it has been a great experience. There is so much to explore and experience here. It is a pleasure to meet kind people from all across the globe every day. Some people do not even speak the same language, yet it is so easy to connect and make each other happy.”

Anpush and his other mates will host you to fun rounds of exciting games at Global Village.

We all welcome you to Global Village, to experience wonder like no other.

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